Volunteer Application Read our Vision and Mission statements, Statement of Faith, Core Values , and Volunteer Criteria page. Volunteer Application rev. Jan 25 I share CDM's Vision, commit to supporting the Mission, and agree with the Statement of Faith and Core Values. * - Select -YesStill undecided. Need further clarification. First Name * Last Name * Email Address * Mailing Address * Phone * Phone Type * - Select - Mobile (text capability)Mobile (no text capability)HomeWork Best Time to Call * 8 AM - 12 PM 12 PM - 4 PM 4 PM - 8 PM What are your Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) that align with our vision and mission? * What motivates you to join Changing Destinies in the fight against human trafficking? * Do you have any previous experience working with survivors of trafficking, sexual assault, or abuse of any kind? * Give a short testimony about your relationship with Jesus, such as what He means to you, your spiritual journey, what He's done in your life, etc. * How did you hear about Changing Destinies? * Website / browser search Social media Family and friends Event Festival booth OtherOther VOLUNTEER POSITIONS Review each level by clicking on the link. It will include descriptions, information, and requirements. Click on each level of interest that you would like to discuss further with our Volunteer Coordinator. LEVEL 1 - SUPPORTER Events Booths Raffles Galas Special Projects LEVEL 2 - ABOLITION AMBASSADOR Referrals Advertise Social Media Emails Sponsor Auctions Contribute financially LEVEL 3 - COMMITTEES AND SPECIALISTS Review the committees and specialty volunteer positions and check your areas of interest (limit 2). References are required. Finance Committee Fundraising Fundraising and Development Director Committee Donor Appreciation Specialist Grant Writer Large Event Planner Auction and Raffle Coordinator Sponsorship Coordinator Small Event/Individual Donor Coordinator Business Networking Coordinator Church Networking Coordinator Marketing Communications Director Committee Social Media Expert Graphic Designer Photographer/Videographer Intercession Intercession Coordinator Committee Property Residential Property Manager Committee Team Building, Appreciation, and Partnerships (TAP) TAP Coordinator Committee Awareness, Prevention, and Training (APT) APT Coordinator Committee Network Specialist Training/Curriculum Development Volunteer Volunteer Coordinator Committee Volunteer Appreciation Specialist Program and Services Clinical Director Committee Therapeutic Team Liaison Enrichment Activities Coordinator *Helping Hands *Helping Hands - how would you like to contribute? (only fill out if applicable) Audit and Risk Management Committee *Advisory Committee - what advisory role(s) can you fill? (only fill out if applicable) Reference 1: List the church or small group you attend and provide name and contact info. Reference 2: List one family member - name, relationship, and contact info (if you have a spouse, please list him or her as your family reference). Reference 3: List one person that is not a family member - name, relationship to you, how long you've known each other, and contact information (Advisory Committee or Helping Hands - an employee or business associate preferred). LEVEL 4 - RESTORATIVE CARE TEAM Review the positions carefully and check your areas of interest (limit 2). References, a resume, and a background check are required. Restorative Care Team Overnight Care Coach Weekend Supervisor (Daytime) Resident Student Mentor Driver Reference 1: List the church or small group you attend and provide name and contact info. Reference 2: List one family member - name, relationship, and contact info (if you have a spouse, please list him or her as your family reference). Reference 3: List one person that is not a family member - name, relationship to you, how long you've known each other, and contact information (Advisory Committee or Helping Hands - an employee or business associate preferred). LEVEL 5 - Board of Directors If you are interested in join our governing board of Directors, answer the following questions. References, a bio, and a background check are required, a resume is required unless recruited. (See requirements for Board Members) Do you have previous experience working on a board? NoYes If so, please describe your experience (name of organization, for profit or nonprofit, positions) What do you feel you can contribute to CDM's board? What KSA's do you have that would help our ministry grow and thrive? Indicate the officer roles you are interested in learning more about: Board Chair Vice Chair Treasurer Secretary Chaplain Reference 1: List the church or small group you attend and provide name and contact info. Reference 2: List one family member - name, relationship, and contact info (if you have a spouse, please list him or her as your family reference). Reference 3: List one person that is not a family member - name, relationship to you, how long you've known each other, and contact information (Advisory Committee or Helping Hands - an employee or business associate preferred). Short bio, should include KSA's, experience, and education, etc. Is there anything else you would like to share for us to consider? Captcha Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ