Rachel’s Refuge is a 13-acre secluded piece of property located in Moore County, NC. The landscape is absolutely breathtaking and the atmosphere is tranquil, with places to sit outside and take in the beauty of nature and the peace of God's presence.

Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design

The main residential home will house up to seven women and one Resident Assistant.

It features a modern kitchen and dining area with ample space to learn and explore the art of meal planning, prep, cooking, storage, and fellowship around the table.

Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design

There is an activities room where it's okay to make a mess and create masterpieces that we will proudly display on the walls.  We have computer stations where our Resident Students (RS) can learn about computer security, type up resumes, or attend online training modules. There is also a library filled with books that will encourage, inspire, and educate. 


Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design

Angel's Gathering Place is where community will happen. Morning and evening devotions, worship, life skills training, community meetings, and movies nights will happen in this beautiful space. 




Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design

The sensational Carolina Room is a multipurpose area with panoramic views, bringing the outdoors inside. There is a conference area on one side and a fitness room on the other. 




Shelter General Design

The personal living space for RSs is on the second floor. Even though the main floor is amazing, many visitors have commented how peaceful and inspiring the bedrooms feel. We've also been told that the beds, pillows, and linens are super comfy and perfect!

When an RS first arrives at Rachel's Refuge, they will stay in a single occupancy temporary sleeping quarters. This room is reserved for new arrivals because it is the closest in proximity to staff sleeping quarters. The RS will stay there for up to 30 days as they become acclimitized and more comfortable with the routines of the household. 


Shelter General Design

After the RS is fully immersed in the program, they will progress to community living with one roommate. There are two double occupancy bedrooms that will house two women per room. 



Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design

We then have two single occupancy rooms reserved for RSs who choose to stay the course and progress through the program. This is really a great incentive to those who wish to work really hard at achieving the competencies that will equip them to fulfill their dreams and goals.




Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design


Who is eligible for our program?

Females between the ages of 18-35 with a history of being sex-trafficked.

What does our program consist of?

  • Christian faith-based and trauma-informed, survivor-centered, & holistic therapy
  • Residential services 24/7
  • Case management
  • Family reintegration & therapy
  • Substance abuse & addiction services
  • Legal, medical, dental services
  • Music, art, & equine therapy
  • Health & fitness
  • Educational services
  • Job Skills Training

How long is our program?

The program is up to 24 months and broken up into four (4) phases with approximate time frames listed below:

FRESHMAN (present)

The first 90 days. During this time, the staff and RS are both learning about each other and seeing if this program can help the RS reach her goals. During this phase, she will follow a standard schedule and have fewer case management options.

SOPHOMORE (participating) 

Usually 3- 6 months. In this phase she will start to chart more of her own goals and be given more options. Now is the time for her to explore, discover, try, fail, and try something else. Case management services will be expanded.

JUNIOR (progressing)

Usually 6-9 months. This should be her most productive phase where she is actively working towards her goals. She will have earned more freedom and privileges and be expected to manage more of her own schedule and case management.

SENIOR (preparing)

Usually 3-6 months. By now she is planning her exit from the program. She will be focused on securing her next steps and putting the services and relationships she needs in place to make her exit successful. 

Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design

Fun Trivia: Why is the shelter named Rachel's Refuge?

In 2014, the Executive Director asked God to name the shelter. This was what the Lord laid on her heart as the inspiration behind the name.

Refuge: safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble; protection, security, asylum, and sanctuary

Rachel: in Hebrew means ewe, female sheep; Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish” (John 10:27-28)

Rachel weeps for her children, refusing to be comforted because they are no more…Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears (Rachel)...They will return from the land of the enemy…The days are coming when I will make a new covenant with them,” declares the Lord…”I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, 'Know the Lord,' because they will all know me…For I will forgive their iniquity and will remember their sins no more.” (Jeremiah 31:15-17, 31-34)

We believe God is saying that our RSs have lived in the "land of the enemy." He is promising to bring them to Rachel's Refuge where they will encounter His love for them, He is going to write His law on their hearts, He will be their Father and they will be His daughters, they will know Him and follow Him, and He will forgive them of their sins and give them the gift of eternal life. 


Shelter General Design
Shelter General Design


Would you like to become a volunteer or staff member?

Click here to learn about volunteer opportunities.

Click here to apply for a paid position.


Beloved, have you been sex-trafficked, interested in coming to Rachel's Refuge as a Resident Student, and ready for Jesus to change your life?

Case Manager, parent, law enforcement, social worker - do you have a candidate who is interested in Rachel's Refuge? 

Click here to apply for a bed at Rachel's Refuge.