Neal Jackson
North Carolina State Representative
Neal Jackson was born in Pinehurst, North Carolina and was taught from an early age that true greatness is not in having servants but in being a servant. After college and graduate school, he started an insurance and financial planning firm which he operated for twelve years, earning numerous awards for sales achievement and leadership. The success of the firm was its philosophy of exceptional service. After a successful pastorate in Florida, Neal moved the family back to North Carolina. He has been the pastor of the Beulah Baptist Church in Bennett, North Carolina since 2009. Service has been the heartbeat of Beulah since his arrival, which has led them around the world on numerous mission endeavors to serve people. In 2020, Neal and his wife, Tracy founded Grace Haven, a residential group home for children in foster care. Their vision is to raise up 100 families in the community to be foster parents, serving those most in need. After praying about serving as a state representative for more than five years, when his friend Allen McNeil announced he was not running for reelection for the 78th house district of North Carolina, Neal knew this was another call by God to serve. Neal believes public service is just an opportunity to serve the public and their needs. Neal and Tracy have five children, a thriving church family, two dogs, and thirty black Angus cows. Their mission in life is not to be listed among the rich and famous but among those who truly impact societies . . . the servants. Neal Jackson has fought for the family for more than twenty-five years as a pastor, business leader, and community friend. Now, as an elected official for the 78th House district of North Carolina, he is fighting for your family. Neal firmly believes the statehouse should work every day for your house. We are so fortunate to have such a dedicated, respected, and faithful Christian to represent us and the world of today! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you do for us.

Holly Brown
Director of Criminal Court Advocacy, Sexual Assault, and Community Education - Friend to Friend
Director of Criminal Court Advocacy, Sexual Assault & Community Education: at Friend to Friend and has previously worked as the Director of Shelter Operations. Holly has previous experience through volunteering and working at other agencies that work with survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. She graduated from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) in 2022 with a M.A in Sociology.

Tim Price
Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACCT) Team Counselor, Daymark Recovery Center
Timothy Price is a devoted husband, loving “Daddy” to five biological and five therapeutic foster children, doting “Papa” to six grandchildren (so far), and currently works full-time as a Mental Health Counselor with Daymark Recovery Services on the Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT). This entails working primarily with clients diagnosed with severe and persistent mental health disorders. Tim’s wife, Paula Price, is the owner and Provider at Haven Total Wellness Center, PLLC, a medical clinic specializing in subcontracting with the Veteran’s Administration (V.A.) and is the Tri-County Disability Determination Examiner for Montgomery, Moore and Richmond Counties, contracting with the Medicare and Medicaid Programs. When available, Tim works with Mrs. Price as the Part-time Practice Manager. Tim is currently a full-time student at Liberty University, and although on a current Sabbatical from preaching, He is an Ordained Southern Baptist Minister, working previously as an Interim Pastor for the Pee Dee Baptist Association of the Southern Baptist Convention. He was the Superintendent of Sunday Schools as well as being a Sunday School teacher. Likewise, he assisted the Director of Missions with planning and teaching various classes for the community and other Churches, while also being heavily involved in volunteer and missions work, primarily through local congregations and the Southern Baptist (Men’s) Disaster Relief Organization. Prior notable work includes: Program Manager while Mentoring Children and Teens, Income Case Management at the Department of Social Services, Intake Specialist for Entitlement Services, Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician, Fire Fighter, and Law Enforcement, reaching the rank of Lieutenant. Past employers include Federal, State, and multiple Local County Governments, as well as Private Contract Services. Tim has obtained numerous degrees, licensure, honors, and certifications in: Mental Health Counseling, Human Services, Therapeutic Foster Parenting, Theology, Emergency Medical Services, Fire Services and Law Enforcement among others. He is a member of three National Honor Societies and has maintained a 3.9 GPA throughout higher education at the various Universities attended.

Tambra Chamberlain
Moore County Schools McKinney Vento District Liaison
Mrs. Tambra D. Chamberlain is an alumnus of North Carolina State University. Tambra has an extensive career in Human Services that spans over 35 years. For the past 17 years, Tambra has worked for Moore County Schools as a Licensed School Social Worker, District McKinney Vento Liaison , and foster care point of contact. Tambra co-founded TambraPlace, a transitional home for youth, that was created to provide haven for unaccompanied youth and youth aging out of foster care. She serves on numerous boards that focus on homelessness, human trafficking, and homeless education at the county, state, and national levels. Tambra is a strong advocate for best practices and equity when working with those experiencing homelessness. Tambra has lived in Moore County, North Carolina for over 30 years.

Shoni Sconyers
NC Anti-Trafficking Mobile Team-Advocate-“One More Child + 1”- Every Child, Every City
Shoni is a native of Eastern North Carolina and a proud alumus of East Carolina University where she studied social work. Shoni has also completed her master’s level work, online with Capella University for non-profit management; where she has mostly concentrated her career; working with families and children experiencing traumatic events. Shoni was called to the triangle area in 2021and has become an experienced servant leader; utilizing her years of social work experience to make meaningful change in the lives of vulnerable people. Currently, she is a knowledgeable advocate focusing on helping survivors of sex trafficking, sex exploitation, and those at-risk through her role at One More Child, a North Carolina Anti-Trafficking Mobile Team-Advocate; Every Child Every City. Shoni’s friends and colleagues describe her as encouraging, dependable, relatable, and supportive.

Elizabeth Garner
Director of Court Advocacy; Domestic Violence Advocate - Senior Court Advocate - Friend to Friend
Director of Court Advocacy, Elizabeth has over a decade of experience working with survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Her role at Friend to Friend is to provide advocacy services both in and outside of the courtroom. Elizabeth’s education includes a B.S. in social work for The University of North Carolina at Pembroke (UNCP) and a certificate from the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCCAD) legal advocates. She is passionate about legal advocacy, runs our prison support group, volunteers at the Moore County Schools, and is a Guardian ad Litem advocate.

Hakim Isler
Holistic Empowerment Strategy- security and protection
Hakim Isler (aka The Black MacGyver) - survival skills expert instructor, decorated combat war veteran, Ninja fifth degree black belt, certified close-protection specialist, self-defense & combat weapons instructor, author, speaker and inventor. Most notably recognized for his appearances on Discovery Channel's Naked & Afraid, Naked & AfraId XL and FOX's Kicking & Screaming, Hakim is the nation's premier African-American survival expert and founder of The DOJYM at Elevo Dynamics a family martial art & 24-hour gym. Hakim is a veteran of the Iraq war and an ex-member of the Army Special Operations community, where he received Arabic language training, survival training, evasion training, paratrooper training, etc. Hakim has served as a board member of Rape Crisis Volunteers of Cumberland County. He has served as a continuing education instructor of Defensive tactics and Fayetteville Technical Community College. He is also a co-founder of Spirit Quest, a non-profit organization aimed at assisting those at-risk. Hakim is a published author of “I Choose to Act,” a women’s self-defense book, a military combat/combatives book (and DVD) called “Battlefield Proximity Combat,” and the newly released “Ninja Survival: Wilderness Edition.” Additionally, Hakim has developed and instructed three curriculums: Assailant Countering Tactics (A.C.T.), a women’s self-defense system which he has taught at community colleges and Rape Crisis organizations; Battlefield Proximity Combat (B.P.C.), a military, and special teams combative system which he has taught to multiple military, special response teams, and emergency rescue teams; and Hands on Subject Strategies (H.O.S.S.), a law enforcement tactics course which he has taught to more than 400 law enforcement officers and Sheriff Deputies.

Cliff Brown
TEAM WORKZ Director/Founder and Board President
Cliff founded TEAM WORKZ Homeless Organization on February 20, 2019, after having a “VISION” of building the Transitional Advancement Center. Helping others has always been a major part of his life. TEAM WORKZ is in all CAPITALS and stands for TEAM-Together Everyone Accomplishes More; WORKZ ends with a “Z” as a reminder that as a TEAM; we stand with those we help until the end. Cliff W. Brown served as President of the State Employees Association of North Carolina (SEANC) for two terms (2004-2006) with seven years as a SEANC State Executive Officer. He still serves as SEANC District 20 (Moore, Lee, Hoke & Scotland Counties) District Chair. Cliff is serving a second term on the SEANC State Executive Committee as Piedmont Regional Representative for 10 Districts (33 Counties). During his years of SEANC service, he worked with all levels of state government officials in many departments. His background prepared him to deal with the many hardships of building a nonprofit from ground level. Cliff also serves on the Pinebluff Planning Committee. Cliff worked for the NC Department of Correction where he retired as a Sergeant and as an instructor with 30 years of service.

Brooke Autry
Survivor Advocate
Brooke’s experiences have shaped her into the women she is today. She is happily married abd raising three girls; a business owner of Joyful Creations that personalizes novelty items; a strong survivor advocate; offers speaking engagements /presentations. Brooke’s powerful testimony deeply impacts all who attends her engagements. Attendees are many diverse groups, including teachers, counselors, law enforcement, attorneys, and people from all walks of life. What is so special about Brooke’s testimony is the redemptive nature of it. She shows how hope and healing are truly possibly even for those who have been through immensely painful situations. She is able to confidently and genuinely share her heart about forgiveness and how God is working through her life to now help others in vulnerable situations. She is the perfect role model to help all our survivors see how wonderful life can be when they place their future in God's hands!

Lara Beth Jones
Ms. North Carolina North America in 2022
Lara Beth Jones is a pediatric occupational therapist and certified nature and forest therapy guide. An eleventh generation North Carolinian, she earned a Bachelor of Arts in American Studies and a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Named Ms. North Carolina North America in 2022, she is a forest therapy guide, entrepreneur, speaker, and advocate for the healing and wellness benefits of spending time mindfully immersed in nature.

Kaitlyn Wood
Miss Teen Moore County Agriculture
Kaitlyn wants to use her platform, skills, and connections to help fund raise and with renovations. She is a Junior and member of Future Farmers of America (FAA) at Union Pines High School and is dually enrolled at Sandhills Community College. She currently works at Terrance Ridge Farm, Laxy Lavender Fox Ranch, and babysits. "Throughout our daily lives we encounter so many different people, things, and situations. Whether we know how to go about them or not, we all choose to try. I think that being able to post, share, and communicate with one another about the hardships we face would help more people become more open minded and self aware about problems. We need to help enlighten others about people stories that have faced the challenge of abuse. It’s never easy and I’ve seen and went through it first hand and I understand that in an abusive relationship, connection, or even a friendship can really take the life out of you making you feel worthless. We as humans are responsible to take care and respect one another, and I wish to continue to share that."

Congratulations to our quilt raffle winner, Tonya Dawsey of South Carolina.
Changing Destinies Ministry was able to raise an amazing $723 to contribute to our mission of opening Rachel’s Refuge.
We greatly appreciate everyone who entered the raffle.